About Us
SHED intervened in Pakistan from 2000 to 2005 as an International NGO UK registered Charity in collaboration with local donor agency MDF Mianwal, initiated different development projects like dispensaries, maternity center, community based schools including some research based projects on agriculture and organic fields in the districts of South Punjab. Later on in 2005, on completion of projects, SHED UK was hired by MDF Mianwali and applied as a local NGO for registration in Pakistan under Social Welfare Agencies Ordinance 1961 with name SHED Pakistan. The provisional registration was granted in 2005 and since then SHED Pakistan extended its network for humanitarian assistance by getting actively engaged in developmental projects in all province of Pakistan and AJK.SHED has established different Disaster Management authorities at district and division level for the KPK government, organized several training on Disaster Risk management field for different cader of government official to prepared them for any kind of disasters, currently SHED Pakistan has access to 36 cities of Pakistan with help of different local and international donors and implementing different projects in different sectors